I hope you enjoy what is here.
This is my poetry page.
This is dedicated to the love of my life...my soul-mate...
So just go ahead and browse around and I hope these verses touch your heart like they have mine.
A Love Poem
I had this dream
where I'm standing in the rain holding hands with a beautiful man who tells me that I am his one and only love.
Tell me if I dream too much...it's just the way I am...
sometimes I need a touch, a reassuring glance.
Hold me when I'm down
clutch me when I frown
show my eyes what yours sees
tell my ears you love me.
I'm in this dream...snow is falling yet I feel so warm
A beautiful man harbors me inside his arms.
Tell me if I feel too strong
my heart is on my sleeve.
Wake me when I sleep too long...tell me it's not a dream.
Laugh for me when I smile...hold on to me all the while.
I know it's not a dream...I know you love me.
Hold your hands over my eyes.
Lift your head when I fly.
Tell me I'm hopeless...I know it's true.
I'm hopelessly in love with you.
As it happens
"Who told you this would be easy?" she asked, eyes glittering like sea wet stones.
A flush, gentle as rain, rose in her cheeks.
Nobody, nobody, the voice in his head clammered.
Sorry, I'm sorry, my love, it is blessed, it must be.
I cannot ever deny love.
At that moment he met her eyes and it occurred to him that we only live in moments...arranged as it happens.
Someday, we shall live entirely in nothing but a single kiss.
Because I love you
I've always searched but never found
any of the things you've shown to me.
Now that you're here I can't let you go.
You're everything I've wanted a lover to be.
By days I walk on roads that lead my thoughts to you.
By nights I fight the loneliness.
Having you I'd never lose.
Not a minute goes by without on my mind.
You've captivated my world and my soul without even trying.
You're my guiding light to help me through the dark.
You're the inspiration that lies deep within my heart.
Darling, be certain I am yours until hell freezes cold.
All because of this honest truth...
All because I love you.
Best Friends
I never meant you love you
it happened quite by chance
I wanted to just be your friend
not to share a new romance
but something happened suddenly
before my heart could know
I came to see a side of you that caused my love to grow
the tender way you touched me
I pray will never end
a miracle of circumstance, my love
You are my very best friend.
A choice
I'd rather have the thought of you
to hold against by heart
my spirit to be taught of you
with west winds blowing
than all the warm caresses of anothers love bestowing
or the glories of the world of which you had no part.
I'd rather have the theme of you
to thread my night and days
I'd rather have the dream of you with faint stars glowing
I'd rather have the want of you
the rich elusive taunt of you
forever and forever and forever unconfessed
than claim the alien comfort of any other's breast.
Oh lover, oh, my lover
that this should come to me!
I'd rather have the hope of you
Ah, love, I'd rather grope for you
within the great abyss
than claim another's kiss
alone I'd rather go my way
throughout eternity.
I love you for life
Forever Love
The love I feel for you shall never cease to exist,
In your times of need I will always be here with open arms and open heart.....
There shall never be a day when my love would go away.
You have put a light in my life I never thought possible, a light so bright it carries me through darkness always.
When I think of the love I have for you and you for me..... a warmth fills my soul, a soul that has been empty for so long.
Thank you for letting me love again, this love we share shall last forever and ever and a day.
Hearts Fire
Within my heart there burns a fire.
This fire burns for only you, my love.
You keep it going and give it strength.
It burns eternal, forever kindled by your love.
It will never shrink, never go out.
It burns stronger everytime I hear you voice, touch you face, and kiss your lips.
It is the fire of my love for you,
and it will burn until the end of time.
His Love
Friendship is a special thing,
Without him as a friend,
I would never see the happiness , his love can bring
I am usually very quiet and shy,
He gives me the strength to ask why.
He always knows exactly what to say,
His voice alone can brighten my darkest day.
He has awoken emotions in me, I swore no one would ever see.
When I gaze into his eyes, My heart begins to fantasize.
He has charmed his way into my heart,
My love for him , will never part.
He's a man , that makes love worth sharing,
His arms so warm and caring,
My feelings are honest and true,
Will I scare him... If I whisper I love you?
Sonnet XLIII
How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love
I seemed to lose With my lost saint, -
I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! -
and if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
--Elizabeth Barrett Browning
I bless the day I met you
And I bless the day I met you,
and I thank God that he let you lay beside me for a moment that lives on.
And the good news is I'm better for the time we spent together..
.and the bad news is, you're gone.
Looking back it's still surprising,
I was sinking, you were rising, with a look you caught me in midair.
Now I know God has his reasons, but sometimes it's hard to see them,
and I lie awake and find that you're not there.
You found hope in hopeless, you made crazy sane,
you became the missing link that helped me break my chains."
I give you my love
I give you my love ...
For the harmony you bring into my life ...
I give you my love
For the understanding of my needs and the many smiles you have brought to me ...
I give you my love
For the joy you bring to my heart and the many ways you make me feel with every embrace ...
I give you my love
For the comfort you bring me and the many treasured times we have shared ...
I give you my love
For the way you are my friend as well as the many ways you express your love ...
I give you my love
For the many ways that you've allowed me to be a part of your life ...
I give you my love
I love you because
I love you first and foremost because you are yourself.
I love the way you accept me just as I am
And never ask for me to be anything else.
I love how I feel when I am with you.
I know I am loved and accepted .
I love you because you treat me like gold.
With you, I feel needed. I feel precious.
I love you because you are different from all the others;
The ones who lied, deceived and broke my heart.
My heart has been mended by your compassion and kind words.
I love you because you have proven to me that you are worthy of my trust.
I love you because I believe I have seen a side of you that no one else has.
There is a side of you that has the heart of a child and always will, No matter how many years pass by.
I love you because you are my soulmate, the one I have always waited for.
I love you for all the years of your life before we came together as we are now.
I love all of your successes and your mistakes, These have shaped you into the person that you are today.
I love you for your inner and outer beauty...
Your good points and bad.
You are perfection in my eyes.
These feeble words cannot express exactly how I love you or why.
Love is a feeling that I have inside my soul.
It burns deep within me and makes my heart flutter at only a simple look from you.
So, when you question why I love you
And I answer "just because."
Take out this paper and read my words.
My love for you shines as bright as the stars in the midnight sky.
I love you always and forever.
Time is no barrier to me...
My love for you is eternal.
I Promise Love....
I promise to love you.... eternally
To be sensitive and loving to your needs...
To never get in the way of your dreams...
To never let the things you do for me go unnoticed...
To ensure that your life is as wonderful as you've dreamed possible...
To talk with you, to walk with you, to learn from you...
To take you by the hand and never let go...
To persistently endeavor to understand you...
To remember how lucky I am to have you in my life...
To forever hold your inner beauty in my eyes...
To always tell you what is on my mind and in my heart...
To keep our intimate secrets, our intimate secrets...
To kiss you every morning, to hug you every night...
To remain yours, faithfully yours, for all time...
To take care of you for the rest of your life...
To give you my heart, my soul, my very spirit, unconditionally...
To be here for you, not only when you need me, but always...
To secure your heart deep within my own...
To love you.... eternally
To you my love, I vow ...
Be my strength, and I will be the same for you.
Like a mirror, I will reflect the love you so freely give.
Like the infinite circles that ripple forth in the water pierced by a stone,
I will radiate the happiness you bring to my soul.
In times of darkness I will cling to the memories of our unity and provide you with inner visions of this same bond to be your faith ...
In times of sorrow, I will be your comfort and divide your grief by sharing it ...
In times of joy, I will rejoice in our love and encompass you with every tenderness.
Together or apart, I will cherish everything about you with all my heart.
Be my strength, and I will be the same for you.
I will always love you
No matter where I go, no matter what I do,
I will always, always love only you.
Whether I am happy or mad, or even feeling blue,
I will always love only you.
You've brought sunshine into my life and shown me things anew.
For that, I will always love only you.
You've shown me the way through a simple clue.
For that, I will always love only you.
Like the stars fill the sky above and grass is filled with morning dew,
that is how much I will always love you.
Like the colors of the sunset and each pretty bird that flew,
that is how much I will always love you.
In simpler words, what I'm trying to say our hearts are one instead of two
and I will always love only you.
It was you who filled my heart with joy and watched lovingly as my heart grew.
As long as I live, I will always love only you.
I love you baby
I wish you'd see
You're my rainbow, your my night you're my stars that shine so bright
you're my rainbow after the rain you're my smile after the pain
how will my life continue on
I never liked to be alone
So I'll look for something to call my own
nobody will be quite as good as you
You'll be in my heart my whole life through
I have cried so many tears because of the thought of you not near
I guess one day I'll say good-bye and pray for the day when I'll say hi
It will hurt so much when you are gone
I'll cry for you from dusk till dawn
You mean the world to me It's so true,
I wish you'd see exactly what you mean to me.
I love you baby
Just between you and me ...
I want our love to always be a personal thing - just between you and me.
There will be others who will think they know us better than we know ourselves -
who will want to offer their opinions on the way we ought to be
There will be times when we are curious or confused and we'll find comfort in talking to a friend or spending time alone ...
But if ever there is a problem involving the two of us,
I hope that we will always come to each other first
For just as it took only the two of us to fall in love,
the two of us can overcome any obstacle that ever gets in the way.
Lost In Love
The moonlight peaks in at me casting a shadow upon my shoulder touching me calling me to it.
It's time, time to be lost in love
I lay still, closing my eyes willing myself to him my journey begins......
to that place where he is where we come together lost in love my soul searches............
the end of the road is where I find him
long and winding our hearts fly free
our desires are fulfilled
wrapped together in each others arms
mind and body
eye to eye
soul to soul
the magic surrounds us as we are lost in love
we belong together and here it seems so right, unspoiled and untouched by reality
I could wander around in this place with him forever, lost in love
our feelings are set free
he belongs to me, I belong to him
we hold each other close dancing to the music of stars in the heavens
we kiss and cry those happy tears of being together lost in love....
suddenly, the darkness gives in to the light
it seeps into my eyes blinding me
I reach for him and try to hold on
our hands part as I drift from him
slowly falling away like a leaf from a tree in autumn
the light becomes brighter and brighter
I awaken to find my journey has ended
I can't see him at all now though he remains hidden inside of me
a certain peace comes over me
I will travel there again as soon as the moon calls me back
we will see each other again in that place inside myself
to be once more lost in love
Loves Philosophy
The fountains mingle with the river. and the rivers with the ocean.
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion
nothing in the world is single
In one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high Heaven and the waves clasp on another:
No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother:
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
Percy Bysshe Shelley
One Sweet Love
One sweet love
Can cool the summer's evening
Can silently sing
The ode of the universe
And can lift one's heart
So that it drifts into
The starry heavens of sweet dreams
One sweet love
Can be told in the roundabouts;
In the winding pathways
Of a sweet-smelling rose
So bright; Even in the darkest of hours
One sweet love
Can be hidden but is best
When open towards your beloved
Precious love
I have grown wings at the thought of you
And learned to fly when you whisper that you love me.
Precious love I would sew the stars together and make you a rope so you would find your way to me again.
Precious love I am drowning in my devotion
I am lost in my love.
Precious love I will never let go
No matter how far away you are.
Precious love Please don't leave me.
Please don't let me fall.
These I Can Promise
I cannot promise you a life of sunshine
I cannot promise riches,wealth,or gold,
I cannot promise you an easy pathway
That leads away from change or growing old.
But I can promise all my heart's devotion,
A smile to chase away your tears or sorrow,
A love that's ever true and growing,
A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow
Single Promise
You fill my dreams in the day and night,
Inside you shine like the brightest light.
I need you in my world to care for and hold
This feeling I have will never grow old.
My promise to you is simple and true,
It is to be faithful and to always love you.
Thank you baby
Thank you baby, for making my world a much better place
And for giving me smiles to replace the frowns upon my face
Thank you for warming my heart, that once was so cold
And for allowing me to tell you things, that might be better left untold
Thank you for your arms that are so warm and strong
For the times they have held me when things were going wrong
Thank you for your shoulder, you have let me cry upon
And for making time for me, because I miss you when you're gone
Most of all I thank you for your love, and my sweet dreams of you
It doesn't hurt to dream because sometimes dreams come true
And even if we must..........always be apart
It is you I love, and you I choose,
to be the keeper of my heart
The Love of You
I am filled with the need of you.. The want of you...
No boundaries knows my love.... when I am near to thee....
Your soft embrace upon my skin, leaves me longing to hold you....
To be one with your love.... my only desire....
I dream of your sweet touch.... and sleep will not come..
Only passions divine nectar, will drown my thirst...
I shall wait for thee oh love... when once again we meet...
and the stars beckon us away.... to ride upon the night.....
True Love
A kiss, two hearts combined,
Together one soul entwined.
Passionate and sincere
The feeling lasts forever.
A kiss, a couple bonded.
Realizing both are wanted.
Strands of love, strong, thick
Forever that way it shall keep.
Melted by that sensation
Felt warm and loved.
Never has anyone adored that much,
I'm truly, deeply touched.
Comforted by his hug,
Desire for wanting more..
Hold me tight, hold me close,
This experience of love, I longed for..
True Love
They walk along the beach, on a starry moon light night
The stars are dancing, giving off their twinkling light
The moon smiles brightly, sending rays of a love potion
The ocean beats a rhythm, with the waves in motion
A gentle breeze, carries the moon's words of romance
In their hearts, love for each other will forever dance
As they make love in the sand, they have no sorrow
Although many miles they be apart, come tomorrow
Their hearts beat as one, stars dance in their eyes
Tomorrow may not come, but true love never dies
Love is not to posses,
Love is for the other to please
Opportunities to be together, they will always seize
Whether in each other arms, or many miles apart
They will always be together, in each other's heart
For my Valentine
You light my heart on stormy dark nights.
You make me feel safe when my fears take flight.
You make me laugh when sadness is near.
And somehow all my problems just disappear.
For you, on this day, I give you my heart
though perhaps not together we are of one part
You are the half that helps make me whole
you give me my strength, you complete my soul.
I thank God each day for giving you to me
and for the love and the support and for letting me be me.
I love you so much I wanted to say,
You are always my Valentine, forever and a day.
Wishing we were together
When we're not together ...
my thoughts drift alongside memories of you;
things we've done the way you smile so brightly that helps me forget my worries and celebrate our wonders.
When we're not together ...
my moods come into play more often and make me yearn for the strength I feel in you ...the security I find in your eyes
When we're not together ...
I sometimes feel so very alone, for myself and you ...
imagining you being without my loving feelings as I am without yours.
When we're not together ...
my best wishes still go with you always, wishing to share in your excitements
wanting to comfort your hurts
needing to be reassured that you're keeping warm and well
When we're not together ...
I seem to spend my time wishing that we were
Why not I with thine?
The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by law divine
In one another's being mingle;--
Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another
No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
And sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea;
What are all these kissings worth
If thou kiss not me?
You touched my heart
I met you in the last place I would of looked
we became acquaintances and before long each others confidants
you told me about your past and present
I told you about my dreams and aspirations
Before I knew it you worked your way into my heart
without knowing, I fell in love with the person I saw inside
your flaws and failures became mere words
I put all other things aside because I fell in love
I fell in love with the person that you are
to change you or tame you is something I wouldn't think about
I'm a better person cause I met you
I'm a better person because I fell in love with you
you make me feel so special when I'm with you
I feel that nothing could be better
you're my best friend as well as my lover
without you there wouldn't be a tomorrow
I just wanted to let you know that you have touched me in a very special way
you have become my lover ,my friend and my soul mate
you retain a place in my heart that will never be touched or reached by anyone
thanks for being who you are....
What do I do
What do I do without you to hold and to care for or to love
how can I love without you close to me
what do I do if I can't feel your love or see your sweet face
what's life without you?
Weekend In New England
Last night I waved good-bye
Now it seems years
I'm back in the city where nothing is clear
But thoughts of me holding you, bringing us near
And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will hold you again
Time in New England took me away
To long rocky beaches, you by the bay
We started a story who's end must now wait
And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will hold you again
I feel a change coming I feel the wind blow
I feel brave and daring I feel my blood flow
With you I could bring out
All the love that I have
With you there's a heaven
So Earth ain't so bad
And tell me
When will our eyes meet
When can I touch you
When will this strong yearning end
And when will I hold you Again. . . again. . .
Please feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you think about my pages.
Ohhh...please remember to sign my guest book before you leave.
Romance Page
About Belinda