The feeling when you held hands for the first time? When you had your first kiss?
In the Tunnel of Love.
You couldnt see straight. You had stars in your eyes. You were dizzy with love.
Little did they know how serious it really was. In your Heart of Hearts you knew that this was the one for you for all eternity.
He was your Knight In Shining Armor!
She was your Story Book Princess!
Your world was like a fairy tale. Without the Big Bad Wolfe or the Wicked Witch.
Then you both went home secure in the knowledge that you would live happily ever after.
They walk along the beach, on a starry moon light night The stars are dancing, giving off their twinkling light
The moon smiles brightly, sending rays of a love potion The ocean beats a rhythm, with the waves in motion A gentle breeze, carries the moon's words of romance In their hearts, love for each other will forever dance As they make love in the sand, they have no sorrow
Although many miles they be apart, come tomorrow Their hearts beat as one, stars dance in their eyes
Tomorrow may not come, but true love never dies Love is not to possess, Love is for the other to please Opportunities to be together, they will always seize Whether in each other arms, or many miles apart They will always be together, in each other's heart
Until next time children.
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